Do you Keep a Journal?

IHappy Saturday from the Hypno4Steno program! Hope you all have been doing fantastic; I hope it's as beautiful where you are as where I am. I'd like to start today with a simple question: Do you keep a journal? Today we discuss the importance of keeping a journal and how it impacts the other time of the day that you are naturally in a trance state: the evening, before bed.

I would like to encourage everyone to keep a journal for a few specific reasons. First, it allows for a time to reflect upon the positive (and only the positive) for that day. So often we simply just gloss over all the good that's happened to us in a day; I often find myself remembering all of that good when I sit down to write.

Second, it gives you a way to express gratitude and affirm positively for the day to come. When you end your day on that note of positive reflection and gratitude, it carries over into the next day and helps you wake with a positive outlook.

This week, I want everyone to try keeping a journal. Write a brief entry right before bed and just see how it impacts your day!


Behavioral Flexibility